
5 Stretching Moves to Prepare Your Body for Birth

As an expectant mother, you are about to experience one of the most profound transformations - giving birth. This journey involves your pelvic floor muscles stretching and lengthening, while your pelvis and hips graciously widen to make room for your little one. It's perfectly natural to have concerns about childbirth, like the potential for tearing or postpartum issues like incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, or discomfort during sex.

That's where the magic of stretching comes into play. By gently lengthening your pelvic muscles and tissues during pregnancy, you can ease some of these fears and prepare your body for a smoother birthing experience. Here's five stretches designed to help you embrace the journey of birth.

  1. Adductor Rock Backs This nurturing movement targets the adductor muscle groups and groin, which helps lengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Visualize your body rocking like a calming wave, with your hips gently moving towards your heels, before returning to a comfortable starting position. This stretch works to improve flexibility in your pelvic region, offering a comforting release.
  2. Quadruped Pelvic Tilt This stretch is like a soothing massage for your pelvic floor muscles. Begin with a comfortable hands-and-knees position, gently tilting your pelvis and moving rhythmically between a softly rounded lower back and a gentle arch. Let your body flow with the movement, focusing on the delicate tilt of your pelvis.
  3. Child's Pose Child's Pose offers a serene release for your posterior pelvic muscles. Start by comfortably sitting on your heels, then let your torso gently lower between your thighs as you extend your arms forward. Breathe deeply and allow your body to relax into the embrace of the stretch.
  4. Pigeon Pose Pigeon Pose is like a heartfelt hug for your hips. Starting from a plank position, gently bring one knee forward, placing it behind the same-side wrist. Let your hips descend to the ground and feel the liberating opening in your hip. Make sure to give the other side the same love.
  5. Deep Squat Deep squats are like a rehearsal for the hips and pelvic floor for birth. Stand comfortably, feet slightly apart, then slowly lower into a squat. Keep your chest lifted and knees tracking over your toes. Hold this pose for a few breaths, feeling the strength and openness it brings to your body.

Incorporating these supportive stretches into your pregnancy journey can help prepare your body for the  birthing experience to come. However,  it's always important to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise routine during pregnancy.

Think of your pelvic floor muscles as you would any other muscle group. They need both strength and flexibility to perform optimally during and after birth.

To accompany you on this journey, consider checking out pliability's dedicated pregnancy programming - your ally in embracing the beautiful transformation that awaits. You can try our pregnancy content free for 7 days.

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