
15 Best Inner Thigh Stretches for Stronger Hips & Better Posture

Relieve hip tightness and improve mobility with these 15 essential inner thigh stretches designed for better posture and balance.

Do you feel tightness in your inner thighs while exercising, walking, or sitting? If so, you're not alone. Many overlook flexibility exercises in this area as part of their fitness routine. Inner thigh stretches and flexibility exercises can help you feel looser, move more straightforwardly, and stand taller with flexible inner thighs that support strong hips and perfect posture. This article will help you reach your goals with effective inner thigh stretches.

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What Causes Tight Inner Thighs?

person fixing her muscles - Inner Thigh Stretches

The inner thigh muscles, called the adductors, can become tight for many reasons. Less-than-ideal movement patterns and muscular imbalances are often to blame. If we're weak in our glutes or hip flexors, we may overuse the inner thigh muscles when performing everyday activities, leading to tightness and discomfort in the adductors. Even walking can create stress on the inner thighs if a person is experiencing muscular imbalances.

We also sometimes put so much focus on working our glutes and outer hips that we forget about the inner thighs. It’s easy for the adductors to get missed if we’re not specifically targeting them. This mistake can exacerbate imbalances that leave the adductor muscles tight and achy. While anyone can have tight inner thighs, they’re especially common among runners. 

The Trouble with Overuse 

In addition to muscle imbalances, exercise overuse can lead to adductor tightness. Runners and cyclists are particularly prone to this condition, as the inner thigh muscles help stabilize us during single-leg activities like the following:

  • Running
  • Cycling
  • Walking

If the inner thighs are weak or tight, they can become painful and limit our performance. 

How Poor Posture Affects the Inner Thighs 

Poor posture can also contribute to tight inner thigh muscles. Sitting for prolonged periods can lead to imbalances between the inner thigh muscles and their counterparts, the outer thigh muscles. This is especially true if you sit with your legs crossed or in a way that puts undue stress on the inner thighs. 

Underlying Conditions Can Cause Adductor Tightness Too 

Underlying conditions, like hip misalignment, can also cause tight inner thigh muscles. Whether from an injury or structural issue, misalignments can alter movement patterns and lead to overuse of the adductor muscles. 

The Benefits of Inner Thigh Stretches 

There are a few good reasons to give those adductors some love: 

Injury Prevention 

If you’re a runner or cyclist looking for endurance and longevity in your sport, you’ll want to do inner thigh stretches regularly. The inner thigh muscles are essential for single-leg stability. With strong, mobile adductors, you’ll have the proper alignment and balance necessary for safely moving from foot to foot. 

A Healthier Pelvic 

Floor If you’re having pelvic floor issues, your inner thighs probably aren’t your first thought. However, tightness in the adductors can indeed have an impact. 

Those adductor muscles attach close to where many pelvic floor muscles live. These inner thigh muscles can cause issues with pelvic floor contraction and functioning. 

A Stronger Core 

The adductors also contribute to core strength by stabilizing the pelvis. If the inner thighs don’t have enough flexibility to lengthen the way they’re supposed to, our body will compensate, and we won’t be able to access our full core strength. 

Remember to focus on dynamic stretches before getting sweaty and then spend some time on static stretches. 

Dynamic Inner Thigh Stretches 

Dynamic stretches lengthen the muscles while moving through your range of motion and warming up the muscles to prime them for more intense movements. Ligon says this strategy is ideal for targeting the inner thighs in particular. “It's not just stretching, but activating that muscle while you're elongating it,” she says. 

This strategy is especially beneficial for the adductors because you likely need to do more than loosen them up. “There's a misconception that a tight muscle just needs to be stretched. And often, a tight muscle is weak,” she explains. “That tightness spurs from your body trying to get you to stop or slow down the activity that you're doing. So it creates this sense of tightness and discomfort as a warning sign.” That means the tissue isn’t short and needs to get longer, but it’s weak and needs to get stronger. An active, dynamic stretch can check off both boxes at once. 

Static Inner Thigh Stretches 

A long stretch can help tighten the inner thighs and make you feel better in the moment. But keep your expectations in check, Ligon warns. “There's no harm in it, but in terms of creating long-term change, it's not going to do much,” she says. 

To lengthen the tissue, you must stretch for about 10 to 20 minutes at a time, several times a week. This work, known as static stretching, should always be done after a workout when the muscles are already warm and supple.  

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15 Effective Inner Thigh Stretches

after a tennis session- Inner Thigh Stretches

1. Cossak Squat: Strengthen and Stretch Your Inner Thighs with This Dynamic Movement 

The Cossak squat is one of the favorite moves for improving inner thigh mobility and strength.

To perform a Cossak squat:

  • Stand with your legs wider than your shoulders. 
  • Shift your weight onto your left side as you bend that knee and bring your hips back and toward that ankle.
    Your right leg rotates up, and while keeping both heels on the floor, the right toes point up toward the ceiling. 
  • Push through the left foot to straighten that leg and return to the starting position. 
  • Repeat on the right side, alternating legs. 
  • Aim for three sets of 12 to 15 reps. 

2. Sumo Squat: Activate Your Inner Thighs to Improve Flexibility

When you sink into a deep sumo squat, your adductors will lengthen and activate to keep you stable.

To perform a sumo squat:

  • Start in a wide stance with your heels placed more expansive than your hips and your toes facing out.
  • Lower down into a squat until your hips, knees, and ankles hit 90-degree angles. 
  • Keep your torso upright and your spine neutral. 
  • Push through your feet to return to the starting position.  
  • Repeat for three sets of about 12 to 15 reps.

3. Lateral Lunges: Target the Inner Thighs Before a Workout

Lateral lunges are another great way to target your inner thighs before a workout.

To perform lateral lunges

  • Start with your feet parallel, about hip-width distance apart. 
  • Take a wide step out to the side with your left leg, bending the knee as you push your hips back as far as possible. 
  • Keep the right leg straight with that foot still on the ground. 
  • Push through the left foot to return to the starting position. 
  • Repeat for three sets of about 12 to 15 reps, hitting both sides. 

4. World’s Greatest Stretch: A Dynamic Move for Full-Body Flexibility

One of my go-to warmups is the world’s most excellent stretch. Although this move has many variations, here’s the most straightforward version.

To perform the world’s greatest stretch

  • 1. Start in a plank position with your hands directly underneath your shoulders and your feet shoulder-width apart. (You can also put your knees down if you need to, creating one long line from your shoulders to your knees.)
  • Step your left foot forward just outside the left hand, with that knee bent and the right leg long behind you. Keep your torso as straight as possible. 
  • Reach your left hand up toward the ceiling. Let your chest twist to the left, and look at that left hand with your eyes. Try to keep your hips parallel to the ground.  
  • Return your left hand to the floor, get back into the plank position, and switch sides. 

5. Frog Stretch: Target the Groin and Inner Thighs

To open up the groin and inner thighs, I have one go-to move: “Post-workout, I look no further than the frog stretch, slowly adding to the depth of that.”

To perform the frog stretch

  • Start in a tabletop position on your hands and knees. 
  • Spread the knees out wide until you feel a stretch (but no pain) in the inner thighs. 
  • Move your hands forward and press your chest down, gently pushing deeper into the stretch. 

6. Butterfly Stretch: A Gentle Approach to Targeting the Adductors

To target the adductors more gently, I recommend the hip-opening butterfly stretch.

To perform the butterfly stretch

  • Sit on the floor with the soles of your feet together and your knees splayed out to either side. 
  • Simply press the knees toward the floor or lean the torso forward toward your feet for a deeper stretch. 

7. Lateral Leg Swings: Dynamic Stretches for Warming Up the Inner Thighs

Dynamic lateral leg swings are a great way to warm up the adductor and abductor muscles while improving flexibility.

To perform dynamic lateral leg swings:

  • Face your body towards a wall, a sturdy object, or a pole, and hold onto it. 
  • Shift your weight onto your right leg, and swing your left leg to the left side of your body then across and in front of your body to the right side. 
  • Repeat this movement five to 10 times. 

8. Gate Opener: A Stretch That Improves Your Balance

The gate opener is a dynamic stretch that can help open your hips and stretch the adductors while working on your balance. 

To perform the gate opener

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart. 
  • Raise your left knee until it's level with your waist, then move it towards the left side of your body as far as you can. If needed, hold onto a wall or a sturdy object for assistance. 
  • Return your knee to the center of your body, at waist level. 
  • Repeat the movement five to 10 times on each leg. 

9. Seated Inner-Thigh Stretch: A Gentle Static Stretch for the Inner Thighs

Another exercise that targets your inner thigh, the seated inner thigh stretch, works like this: 

  • Extend your legs to the side, making a wide “V” shape. Don't overdo this position to avoid joint strain. For some people, simply sitting like this is enough to produce an inner-thigh stretch. 
  • If you need more stretch, keep your back straight and lean toward the floor from your hip joints. Again, go only as far as you can without pain or discomfort. 
  • Stay there for about 30 seconds; remember to breathe.

The key here is to work in a safe zone that gives you some stretch challenges but also feels comfortable for you to manage without excessive discomfort. In other words, don't go to the point where your back, hip, or sacroiliac joint feels like it is being pulled out of alignment.

If you practice this regularly, you'll improve and gain more range, so it's OK to take it easy at first. Keep your back straight when you come up, and if necessary, use your hands to push against the floor for leverage. 

10. Side Lunge: Another Effective Stretch for Improving Flexibility

Another good static stretch for your inner thighs is the side lunge. 

To perform the side lunge

  • Start with your feet shoulder-width apart. 
  • While keeping your left leg straight, take a significant step to the right side of your body with your right foot and squat, ensuring you place your body weight over your right knee. 
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds. You should feel the stretch in your left groin area. 
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the stretch on the opposite side. 

11. Lying Inner-Thigh Stretch: A Simple Supine Stretch for the Groin

The lying inner-thigh stretch targets your groin and hips. 

To perform this stretch

  • Lie on your back and bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor. 
  • Slowly spread your knees apart until you feel a stretch on the inside of your thighs. 
  • Hold the position for 15 to 30 seconds. 
  • Repeat three times. 

12. Standing Inner-Thigh Stretch: A Simple Stretch You Can Do Anywhere

Another way to loosen the groin muscles is through this standing exercise, which involves some toe movement. 

To perform this exercise

  • Bend down and slide one leg out to your side while keeping your knee straight and foot on the floor. 
  • Turn your foot outward 45 degrees and raise your toe in the air while keeping your heel on the floor. 
  • Hold the stretch for 15 to 300 seconds. 
  • Repeat three times, then do the exercise again on the opposite side. 

13. Triangle Pose: A Classic Yoga Pose to Open Up the Inner Thighs

The triangle pose opens up the long hip-adductor muscles that run from the pelvis to the knee.

To perform the triangle pose

  • From a standing position, step your feet wider than shoulder-width and point your right foot out (about 90 degrees). Keep your left foot pointed forward. 
  • Extend your arms out to the sides to form a T. 
  • Keeping both legs straight, shift your weight into your left hip. 
  • With your spine straight, reach your right hand over your right foot and bend your trunk toward your right leg by hinging from the hip. 
  • Touch your right hand, a yoga block, or a chair to your right leg. Reach your left hand toward the ceiling, letting your gaze follow. 
  • Breathe deeply and hold for one to two minutes. Repeat on the opposite side. 

14. Wide-Leg Forward Bend: Stretch the Inner Thighs and Hamstrings

The wide-leg forward bend helps stretch out the adductors and hamstrings.

To perform the wide-leg forward bend

  • From a standing position, step your feet wider than shoulder-width, toes pointed forward. 
  • Keep your back flat and legs straight, and hinge at the hips to bend forward (rather than rounding your back to reach forward). 
  • Place both palms flat on the floor or elevated on yoga blocks. Use a chair if you can’t keep your spine straight and reach the yoga blocks. You should feel a gentle stretch in your inner and back of the thighs. 
  • Hold this position or walk your hands to one leg to deepen the stretch on one side. 
  • Breathe deeply and hold for one to two minutes. 

15. Deep Primal Squat: A Natural Position to Lengthen the Inner Thighs

Spending time in a deep squat helps stretch out the short adductors in the groin area and mobilizes the hip, knee, and ankle joints.

To perform a deep squat

  • From a standing position, step your feet wider than shoulder-width and point your toes outward (about 45 degrees). 
  • Squat down to bring your butt to your heels. 
  • Lift your chest to straighten your spine and place both elbows against the insides of your knees. 
  • Gently press your elbows into the insides of your knees to stretch out your inner thighs. 
  • Try to keep your spine tall; don’t hunch forward. 
  • Breathe deeply and hold for one to two minutes.

If you can’t comfortably squat to your heels, place one or two yoga blocks beneath your glutes. Adjust until you find a height at which you can sit with your spine straight.

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Inner Thigh Stretching and Flexibility Tips

men laughing - Inner Thigh Stretches

When stretching your inner thighs, you might feel tempted to force your way into deeper stretches quickly. This is a mistake. “Respect the available movement that you have,” says Dr. Ligon. “It can be easy to try to reach too far, and you could end up straining the area. Not only do you risk a tendon injury or a tear to the muscle itself, but you’re also undercutting the purpose of the stretch. The movement itself becomes less effective because you start using other muscles.” 

Warm Up First: Get Your Body Ready For Action 

Get moving a bit before working on opening up your range of motion. “Always be warmed up before you go into a lot of mobility or static stretching work,” Dr. Ligon says. It doesn’t need to be extensive maybe five minutes of easy jogging in place or jumping jacks. “Doing a little bit of cardio before you do these types of movements will make them more effective,” Ligon says. 

Strategy for Groin Muscle Flexibility: Consider Strengthening Your Abductors 

It can pay to be strategic when aiming for inner-thigh flexibility. Along with the previous stretches, consider strengthening the opposing muscle group, the abductors. Strong outer thigh muscles help support and carry the weight of your pelvis and spine, which may relieve the inner thighs of some of this responsibility.

Try this basic abductor strengthener

  • Lie on your side. 
  • Prop yourself up onto your forearm. 
  • Lift and lower your top leg up slowly. 
  • Repeat about 10-15 times for one or two sets. You can do this every other day. 
  • When you're done, remember to stretch your outer thigh muscles. 

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