In team sports, flexibility can mean the difference between winning and losing. Flexibility can help players achieve peak performance, avoid injuries, and boost overall agility. For example, a flexible soccer player can easily twist and turn to dodge a defender or quickly change direction to intercept a pass. A rigid player is more likely to get hurt in such a scenario. If you want your team to be that flexible soccer player, keep reading to learn why flexibility exercises are necessary for team sports and how to improve it.
One way to improve team flexibility is with Pliability’s mobility app. This user-friendly tool helps players and coaches achieve their goals, like preventing injuries, enhancing performance, and boosting overall agility through targeted flexibility training tailored for team sports.
Why is Flexibility Important for Team Sports?

Flexibility training, or stretching, is regularly used in varying forms by practically every coach, athlete, and physiotherapist. Stretching is likely to occur in every training or therapy session. Despite this, flexibility training is probably the least understood of all the fitness components in terms of its scientific basis.
What Does It Mean?
Flexibility is the static maximum range of motion (ROM) available about a joint. The most significant limiting factor of static ROM is the structure of the joint itself. Thus, even after endless stretching exercises, there will be a limit on how much movement is available. In addition, joint structures can vary between individuals, which must be recognized when assessing flexibility standards in athletes. Most of the variability in static ROM is due to the elastic properties of the muscle and tendons attached across the joints. 'Stiff' muscles and tendons reduce the ROM, while 'compliant' muscles and tendons increase ROM.
These elastic properties are altered after stretching exercises. When a muscle is under tension in a static stretch, the passive tension in the muscle declines, i.e., the muscle 'gives' a little. This is called a 'viscoelastic stretch relaxation response.' Passive tension is the external force required to lengthen the relaxed muscle. The less external force is needed, the more pliable the muscle is. This increased pliability is maintained for up to 90 minutes after the stretch (Moller et al., 1985).
Impact of Static Stretching on ROM and Muscle Tension
In the long term, regular static stretching will permanently increase static ROM, associated with decreased passive tension. Experimentally, this was shown by Toft et al. (1989), who found a 36% decrease in passive tension of the plantar flexors after three weeks of regular calf stretches. The relationship between static ROM and passive tension has been further supported by McHugh et al. (1998).
These researchers demonstrated that maximum static hip flexion ROM was inversely correlated with the passive tension of the hamstrings during the mid-range of hip flexion. This suggests that the ease with which the muscle can be stretched through the mid-ROM is increased if the maximum static ROM is improved. The concept that increased static ROM results in more pliant mechanical elastic properties of the muscle suggests that static stretching benefits sports performance.
Flexibility and Sports Performance
Research into the effects of flexibility of stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) movements (plyometrics) has shown that increased flexibility is related to augmented force production during SSC movements. In contrast, running studies have shown that flexibility has little performance effect, which is odd because running is a kind of SSC movement.
For example, De Vries (1963) showed that while pre-stretching increased static ROM in sprinters, it did not affect speed or energy cost during the 100-yard dash. Interestingly, it has been demonstrated that stiffer leg muscles in endurance athletes may make them more economical in oxygen consumption at sub-max speeds.
Active Stiffness vs. Static ROM in Sports Flexibility
These converse findings are probably related to the principle of specificity, which underlies all sports training. The sprints and running studies above compared static ROM and stretch, while the SSC research compared active stiffness with performance. Holding a maximum static stretch and reducing passive tension are entirely different mechanical actions from those practiced in actual sports, where joints move fast and muscles contract while they change length.
Thus, static ROM may not be an appropriate flexibility measurement for performance. On the other hand, active stiffness measures the force required to stretch a previously contracted muscle and is, therefore, more sports-specific. The ease with which a contracted muscle can change length will likely impact the performance of an SSC movement, so active stiffness is a more appropriate parameter to measure flexibility for sports performance.
Active ROM's Role in Sports Performance
Along the same lines, Iashvili (1983) found that active ROM, not passive ROM, was more highly correlated with sports performance. In this instance, active ROM is the ROM that athletes can produce by themselves, usually less than passive ROM. It is the maximum static ROM available when assisted manually or by gravity.
For example, active ROM would be the height at which an athlete could lift his or her leg up in front using the hip flexor muscles, whereas passive ROM would be the maximum height a partner could lift. Athletes must be able to generate movement themselves, and this suggests that active ROM should be developed to improve sports performance, not passive ROM.
Active ROM for Sprinting Efficiency
A sprinter must have enough active ROM in the hip flexors and hamstrings to comfortably achieve full knee lift and full hip extension at the toe-off point of the running gait, ensuring good technique and full stride length.
Any further passive static ROM developed through passive static stretching will not provide any extra benefit, especially since the joint angular speeds during sprinting are very high.
Flexibility and Injury Risk
The well-established general rule is that insufficient ROM, or stiffness, will increase muscle-strain risks. More specifically, athletes in different sports have varying flexibility profiles and thus varying flexibility needs to avoid injuries. Gleim & McHugh et al. (1997) review various studies relating flexibility measures or stretching habits to injury incidence. Studies of soccer players show that flexibility may be necessary for preventing injuries.
For example, one study showed that those who stretched regularly suffered fewer injuries, another showed that tighter players suffered more groin-strain injuries, and a third showed a relationship between tightness and knee pain.
Flexibility and Injury Risk in Different Sports: Findings and Contradictions
These findings confirm the correlation between muscular tightness and increased muscle-strain risks. Yet studies of endurance runners have not shown the same results. For instance, in one famous study by Jacobs & Berson (1986), it was found that those who stretched beforehand were injured more often than non-stretchers. Other running studies have found no relationship between flexibility or stretching habits and injury. On the other hand, one study of sprinters found that 4° less hip flexion led to a greater incidence of hamstring strain.
The reason for these contradictory findings is the specific nature of each sport. With endurance running, the ankle, knee, and hip joints stay within the mid-range of motion throughout the gait cycle; therefore, maximum static ROM will have little effect. Sprinting and football involve movements of much larger ROM and so depend more heavily on good flexibility.
Flexibility and Injury: Biomechanical Relationships Explained
There are other established biomechanical relationships between flexibility and injury. For example, ankle ROM is inversely related to rear foot pronation and internal tibia rotation. In other words, tight calf muscles are associated with more significant rear-foot pronation and lower-leg internal rotation.
These two factors can lead to foot, lower leg, and knee problems. Poor flexibility in the hip flexor muscles may lead to an anterior pelvic tilt, where the pelvis is tilted down to the front. This increases the lumbar lordosis, which is the sway in the lower back. Tightening of the lower back muscles can predispose the back to injury.
Flexibility and Injury Risks in Young Athletes
Similarly, tight pectoral muscles can lead to a round-shouldered upper-back posture called kyphosis. This forward alignment of the shoulder can increase the risks of shoulder impingement problems during throwing and shoulder movements. A flexibility/injury relationship also exists for young adolescents. During the pubertal growth spurt, the tendons and muscles tighten dramatically as they lag behind the rapid bone growth.
Poor flexibility may lead to injury problems for young athletes, especially tendinitis-type injuries like those of Osgood Schlatters. Thus, regular stretching is essential for young athletes. Biological age counts, so children on the same team or squad may need to pay extra attention to flexibility at different times.
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Step-by-Step Guide on How to Improve Flexibility

1. Start with a Proper Warm-Up
Before stretching, warming up is essential to prevent injury. A study in The Journal of Human Kinetics found that a proper warm-up increases muscle temperature, making flexibility exercises more effective.
How to Warm Up: Engage in light cardiovascular activities such as:
- Brisk walking
- Cycling
- Jumping jacks for 5–10 minutes
This will increase your heart rate and prepare your muscles for safe stretching.
2. Incorporate Static Stretching
Static stretching involves holding a position for 20–30 seconds without movement. Research shows it is one of the most effective methods for increasing flexibility over extended periods.
2 key examples of a static stretch include:
- Hamstring Stretch: Sit with your legs extended in front of you. Reach toward your toes while keeping your back straight. Hold for 30 seconds or more to stretch your hamstrings.
- Quadriceps Stretch: Stand on one leg, pull your opposite heel toward your glutes, and hold for 20–60 seconds to stretch the quadriceps and hip flexors.
3. Use Dynamic Stretching
Dynamic stretching involves moving your body parts through a full range of motion. It’s beneficial before physical activities and has improved functional flexibility.
Two examples of dynamic stretches include:
- Leg Swings: Stand on one leg and swing the opposite leg forward and backward to improve hip flexibility.
- Arm Circles: Perform circular motions to work on shoulder mobility with your arms.
4. Focus on Key Muscle Groups
To achieve balanced flexibility, targeting specific muscle groups, such as the hamstrings, hip flexors, and calves is essential. Tightness in these areas can limit movement and increase the risk of injury.
Studies suggest stretching these key muscle groups can improve flexibility and reduce injury risk, especially in physically active individuals.
- Hip Flexor Stretch: Kneel on one knee and gently push your hips forward to stretch the hip flexors.
- Calf Stretch: Stand near a wall, press one heel down into the ground, and hold for 20–30 seconds to stretch the calf.
- Chest Stretch: Stand in a doorway, extend your arms to the sides, and step forward slightly to stretch your chest and shoulder muscles.
5. Breathe and Relax
Breathing deeply while stretching helps to relax your muscles and deepen the stretch. Research in the International Journal of Exercise Science shows that deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes muscle relaxation and improves flexibility.
- Breathing Technique: Inhale deeply through your nose, and as you exhale, try to gently increase the stretch, allowing your muscles to lengthen further.
6. Be Consistent
Consistency is the key to improving flexibility. Studies suggest that stretching at least three times a week can significantly increase muscle length and range of motion.
- Routine: Incorporate a 10–15 minute flexibility routine into your weekly workout, ensuring it includes static and dynamic stretches for optimal results.
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Pliability offers a fresh take on yoga tailored for performance-oriented individuals and athletes. Our app features a vast library of high-quality videos designed to:
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Pliability provides daily-updated custom mobility programs for those interested in optimizing their health and fitness. This mobility app also includes a unique body-scanning feature to pinpoint mobility issues. If you're feeling limited by pain or the ability to move, Pliability aims to complement your fitness routine and help you move better.
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