We were built by this community.


ROMWOD never forgets its roots, our affiliates and the CrossFit community as a whole built this company. We're humbled by the challenges posed by recent world events, and are working tirelessly to deploy resources in efforts to assist. As a targeted part of our efforts, we've committed $25,000 in matching funds to Support Your Local Box - a CrossFit event for the direct benefit of CrossFit affiliates affected by COVID-19 around the globe.

Double your impact.

We're encouraging the ROMWOD community to join us for a few workouts designed for at-home, and be sure to encourage friends and family to join and get active. Participation is free, however you can contribute to the affiliate of your choice during registration. Also be sure to add #teamromwod to your competition dashboard and we will match your contribution up to $25K. Register Here / Instructions to add #teamromwod

Tell your story.

In collaboration with Team ROMWOD Athletes, we're asking everyone to share their story of how an affiliate has impacted their life. Post your story with #supportyourlocalbox so we can encourage others to participate. Friends, family, co-workers via Zoom. CrossFit Affiliates have had an impact on all of us, help us recognize their efforts by telling them how they're appreciated.

Register for Support Your Local Box


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